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Hey Hey A.J Lovers, Guess who's back and updated?!!

Drivin' me home!! (I WISH)

Hi again people!! once again, it's a new month and that means new stuff on the site!! Finally got some new pic's in for ya'll to wrap your lookin' gear around, new links on the LINKAGE page, new gossip on the NEWS AND GOSSIP page, and a page with some SOUNDS And VIDEO stuff to look through, I think my guestbook is working now, and my counter, but it might not, so if you guys can't see it, then its not here then, but please E-Mail me, love to hear from you, Thanks!! And Enjoy GETIN' DOWN WID BONEDADDY!!
G-Child (Emma)

See, Even A.J Is supporting me in Protecting my site!!

Be nice to me and my site...or A.J and Johnny wont be very happy!!